Updates and Highlights

ACSA Security Industry Transformation Award 2024 SITA AWARDS
Honoring Innovation in Security: The ACSA Security Industry Transformation Award 2024 celebrates groundbreaking digital advancements and exemplary achievements in Singapore’s security sector, recognizing security agencies and individuals dedicated to enhancing efficiency and effectiveness through technology.
We are thrilled to be featured in their distribution magazine for that night, highlighting our commitment to industry transformation.

Security Industry Regulations Seminar in Philippines 2023
Security Industry Regulations Seminar 2023 covers updates on industry regulations, compliance standards, and best practices for security professionals, fostering collaboration and improving operational efficiency in the security sector.

SAS – Security Association Singapore State of Convention 2023
Excited to announce that Gabkotech Innovation is featured in the SAS distribution booklet!

The Singapore Security Industry Awards 2022
The SSIA recognizes top performers in the security industry, including security agencies and security projects.
Honored to win Best Security Management Platform Providers, Tier 1 at the Singapore Security Industry Awards 2022!
Thank you to our partners, customers, and team for this incredible milestone!

We are featured in the NEA Magazine
Empowering Smart Buildings: The Intelligence of Smart Sensors

SME100 AWARD 2022
The SME100 Awards is an annual recognition program that celebrates the top 100 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various sectors.
These awards aim to highlight the achievements and contributions of SMEs to the economy, as well as to provide them with visibility and networking opportunities.

Gabkotech HR Payroll Online Tutorial & Updates by iREP Agile HRM
Unlocking Success with Agile HR and Payroll Solutions: Enhanced Security, Streamlined Processes, and Empowered Teams!

Ads Sponsorship for SAS – Security Association Singapore Security Officer Award Day 2022
Gabkotech Proudly Sponsors SAS Security Officer Award Day 2022
Gabkotech is honored to announce our sponsorship of the SAS Security Officer Award Day 2022.
As a leading provider of security solutions, we understand the critical role security officers play in safeguarding our communities and businesses.

We are featured in Capital Asia Magazine
Navigating Asia’s Economic Landscape: Insights from Capital Asia Magazine
Cover of Capital Asia Magazine featuring a city skyline, representing the dynamic business environment in Asia.

ESG Security Sector Playbook Gabkotech
Securing a Sustainable Future: Integrating ESG Principles into Security Operations
Building a Better Security Sector: Embracing ESG Values for Environmental, Social, and Governance Impact.

Golden Bull Award 2021
The award seeks to be a powerful platform for recognizing successful businesses, motivating both SMEs and larger corporations to aim for higher standards of excellence.
Excellence emerges from the blend of perseverance and ideals, qualities that the Golden Bull Award exemplifies.

Marketing & Sales For Your Agency 2021
For the Much Award Lucky Draw of The Year!
Join the Quiz and Win! MEGA PROMO
Register & Attend The Webinars, Lucky Draw Mechanics.

Cleaning up with new digital solutions
The automation of processes and workflows, which otherwise have to be done manually, can help provide companies significant savings in cost and manhours, and free up their time for more strategic tasks.

Gabkotech Innovations Introduces Integrated Security Management System
On 15 April, Gabkotech Innovations introduced a new suite of innovations to help businesses in their operations – GSIMS, GMBA, irep FM, Smart Command Centre. Read more about the press release here!

SACE 2022 Promotional Package
In view of SACE 2022, Gabkotech has partnered with ASCA to give a 50% discount on our business management solutions packages!
Enjoy huge savings via early bird discounts on various packages. Click in to find out more!